Let's Remove the Letter "K" from the English Language
As we all know, the English language can be confusing at times. Different letters of our alphabet can have different pronunciations, with no specific rhyme no reason. Many years ago, I wondered if the letter "K" could be done away with completely. I played around with this theory, and concluded that this was feasible. In order for this change to work, some other adjustments to the English alphabet would have to be made. My first few assessments were a bit complicated, but I have since narrowed the adjustments down to a reasonable amount. This doesn't perfect the English language by any means, but it does make significant improvements. My proposal is as follows: Remove the letter "K" from the English alphabet! Only use the hard pronunciation for the letter "C." The silent variation of "K" is replaced with "C." Where a soft "C" is currently used, replace it with "S." "Ch" replaces the letter ...