For those who have lost someone; my heart is with you

On July 3rd, 27 years ago, my youngest brother Jason was born. He passed away in 2006 at the age of 19, but today I find myself focusing on his original birthday instead. I was 4 1/2 years old at the time, so I recall some parts of that day.
I remember my dad, dressed in scrubs, as he held his 3rd son up to the window of the hospital nursery for the rest of the family to see. I remember my mom, rolling to our car in a wheelchair, with Jason bundled up in her arms. I remember the overall feeling of joy that came with a new life being brought into this world in 1986…a joy that would not be experienced in our family again until late 2012.
On November 22 of last year, my son Sheldon was born. I can’t describe the incredible feeling of looking into his eyes as I held him for the first time. During this wonderful moment, I couldn’t help but wish Jason was around to see his new little nephew. Other family members crossed my mind as well.
I thought about my cousin, Marten, who also passed away in 2006. I thought about my step-brother, Nathan, who passed away at age 14.  It was very painful when these young people died, but as I held my newborn son, I couldn’t  imagine the pain of losing a child.
On this July 3rd, I want to admire the strength of my parents, Larry & Charlotte. Marten’s parents, Tony & Sharon. Nathan’s mom, Lisa (my step-mother). You have endured the worst imaginable thing a parent could endure, and have somehow remained strong. I love you all.
My heart also goes out to those who have shared the loss of a sibling. My brother Brandon, my cousin Matthew, my step-sister Amy, and my step-brother Joshua. I love you all.

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